

“Coinbase is a digital currency wallet and platform where merchants and consumers can transact with new digital currencies like bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin. We’re based in San Francisco, California.”

01. Problem Statement

It’s very hard to track investments on Coinbase App. Therefore, using other applications to track is a waste of time as it needs to enter each transaction manually.

02. Goal

• To have a quick profile overview of the total investment and the gains or losses.
• To have a detailed preview of every transaction per cryptocurrency invested in, that shows the gains or losses, to improve decision
• To have quick visual guidance (graph) that shows the investment performance through time.

03. Coinbase App Analysis

To have a better understanding of what might be leading to this issue, we’ve started with testing the sign up as a user and writing down the usability issues and opportunities for improvements.

04. User Persona

05. Task Analysis

Based on my persona, I created a task analysis to describe the task and to break the task into detailed steps.

Creating the task analysis helped to understand the users in detail of how they perform their tasks and achieve their intended goals.

06. Sketches

07. High Fidelity Design

The next steps I would like to take for this case study would be to continue to conduct usability testing and further iterate on my designs. I’d like to explore more ways on how the users can keep tracking their investments, a full history (win/loss) of each investment, and a better overview of each transaction.