

Kondoor is a real estate platform were tenants go through a questionnaire about their apartment preferences such as (size, budget, work location, connection to public transport…). Each apartment is additionally enriched with data points and combined with the requirement profiles. The results are a selection that perfectly fit the tenant requirements.

With the help of the digitized form of the apartment application, the landlord has the possibility to manage the complete letting process until the final the contract.

01. Problem & Objectives


The current application process for rental apartments is stressful time consuming and biased by unequal chances.


Swamped by applicants which leads to un personal communication and manual screening of too many documents for decision making which takes lots of time.

02. Defined Goals

• Generate time efficiencies by digitizing, standardize data collection and application preparation for faster decision making.

• Personalize matchmaking through identifying key preferences with tenant requirements.

03. User Persona

04. Landlord Journey Map

User journey findings:

• Lots of applications from potential tenants.
• Not enough time to filter and show all the applicants and the apartment.
• I can’t reply to all requests.
• I want to make sure that I get serious applications.
• I want to schedule viewings in parts for applicants.
• In the viewing, viewers are often confused by the parts of the room, as they misunderstood the pictures in the advertisement.

05. Tenant Journey Map

User journey findings:

• Not easy to find a convenient apartment at a good price.
• Wasting time on applying for rented apartments that are not updated on the system.
• So many people applying for the same apartment.
• New to Berlin and not sure which district suits my lifestyle.
• I don’t have all the documents now.
• Not sure if the landlord will get back to me.

06. Our Hypothesis

Based on our research, We defined two hypotheses for our landlords and tenants.

“We believe landlords have a problem with the huge number of applicants which leads to un personal communication and manual screening of too many documents for decision making which takes a lot of time. We can help them with digitize, standardize data collection and application preparation. We’ll know if we’re right if the landlords used our filters and found potential tenants.”

“We believe tenants have a problem finding a convenient apartment at a good price. We can help them by matchmaking tenants’ preferences with apartment features. We’ll know if we’re right tenants liked their matches and rented them through our platform.”

07. Tenant Survey

Survey questions:

• Since when are you looking for a new apartment?
• How urgently are you looking for a new apartment?
• It is difficult to contact the landlords?
• There are hardly any apartments that would be needed to meet those requirements.
• I am having trouble putting together all the necessary documents.
• There are too many applicants for apartments that I like.
• Most free apartments are out of my budget.
• I have no time to take sightseeing appointments.
• Housing ads mostly do not have enough/ wrong information.
• It is difficult to get over any free conventions?

08. Ideation Phase

08. User FLow

After Identifying the main pain points we start defining the IA by simplifying the user flow to ease communication between landlord and tenant.
We have added the main features for landlords as they tend to spend too much time viewing the applications and find potential tenants. In addition, landlords tend to miss some important documents from potential tenants which leads to not continue with the process and cancel their application.

09. Wireframes & Sketches

10. Tenant Sign Up

After several testing on the tenant sign up and the result of the analytic tools (Google Analytics, Hotjar) showed that users get bored from the long sign up and the questions that need input. As a result, we simplified the sign up form, reduced the steps, and added the ability to sign up through social media.

11. Dashboard Designs


• The landlord can get a notification when the tenant requests a viewing and apply for each apartment.
• The landlord can filter through each category such as (Name, Schufa, Salary range, marital status…) which helps the landlord to find potential tenants.
• Group message helps the landlord to send messages to multiple tenants which saves time and effort.
• On the property overview, the landlord can have an overview for each applicant, received messages and property details.

11. Dashboard Designs


• On the side menu tenant can see the steps of the application process which starts with the matches, viewing then application.
• On the property overview, we show the most important information for the tenant such as (Map, Property details and a Highlight section).
• Based on tenant preferences a kondoor score is presented in the highlight section in order to ease tenant decision making.
• After tenant fills the work location, we map it on each apartment on our platform and calculate the distance it takes by the selected transportation.

12. Mobile Experience

We made sure to design the mobile experience to be as close as possible to a native mobile application as our analytic tools showed that most of our tenants were signing up through their mobile phones.