

Pepperkorn is an intuitive point of sale software (POS) that allows you to record all your sales transactions and effectively control your hardware solutions in the future. Pepperkorn is built on a flexible platform that supports mobile integrations, mobile payments, cloud-based software and data storage.

01. Problem & Objectives

Using our main app (Gastrofix) for small restaurants, retail stores, and small business was impossible since it only focuses on big restaurants that have a table plan. Therefore we thought on How Might we provide small restaurants, retail stores and small businesses with a point of sale system (POS) in which they can adjust to business needs and fulfill our user requirements.

02. Competitor Analysis

We did a competitor analysis to determine the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors within the market. It helped us gauge how to curb competitors and refine our strategy.

03. User Persona

In order to create our persona, we got in touch with potential users to understand their pain points, as well as, we sat our customer care team to get some insights about our current users and understand their needs.

Our persona helped us to drive design decisions by taking common user needs and to recognize that different people have different needs and expectations, and bringing them to the forefront of planning before we start with our design process.

04. Low Fidelity Sketches

05. First Iteration & Prototype

Home Screen

• The user is able to select any category as it’s shown on the main screen.
• Adding a shortcut button for the user to enter the article number.
• User is able to see the orders while other sections are still accessible.
• The total price is showing calculating right after adding each article.

Payment Screen

• Once the user press on “Place order” it gives the user the ability to select the customer number and add a name to the order.
• On the right side, the user is able to see the bill and other functionality such as adding a tip or split the bill.
• Adding discounts and small payment saves the user time and steps.

Table Screen

• In small restaurants, creating the restaurant table is by adding table numbers instead of creating the actual plan.
• It’s easy for the user to see open or occupied tables that change its color.
• Switching to the order screen is just by selecting a table.

Final Design